The winning scores will be performed live in Bologna, Piazza Maggiore, on August 2nd, 2025, during the commemorative events in memory of the victims of the slaughters.
The XXXI Edition of the “2 Agosto” International Composing Competition is promoted by the “Teatro Comunale di Bologna”, by the “Associazione fra i Familiari delle Vittime Della Strage Alla Stazione di Bologna del 2 Agosto 1980”, and by the “Comitato di Solidarietà all Vittime delle Stragi”.
The concert will be radio live broadcasted on RADIO3, and catch-up TV on RAI5.
Within seven days from the announcement of the results, the authors of the winning scores shall also be obliged to send the Competition a version for voices and piano (the so-called ‘canto-piano’ or ‘Piano Vocal Score’) so that the choir and possible soloists may begin rehearsals.
Furthermore, within 15 days after the communication of winners, composers of the winning scores are required to send the Competition the orchestral parts necessary for performance.